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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

US military dogged by Youtube leaks


The American military has long been dogged by homemade footage and the video-sharing website Youtube.

Marines allegedly urinating on corpse 

2010 - Wikileaks releases footage of airstrike in Iraq
One of the first acts of the now infamous whistleblowing organisation was the release of 'Collateral Murder' - a 17-minute long film based on footage from a US Apache helicopter gunship.

It shows an attack on a Baghdad stree that killed two journalists and a number of civilians. 

2008 - Puppy-throwing video emerges
In March 2008 a video emerged that appeared to show an American Marine hurling a puppy off a cliff in Iraq. The footage provoked widespread outrage death threats. Lance Corporal David Motari was kicked out of the Corps as a result and a second Marine was disciplined.

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